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Sunday, 29 July 2012

What Is Black Hat Seo?(Simple Defination)Explanation

What is black hat seo.As we know every thing have its own definition but different peoples give different definition of the same word.So here i am going to tell you easy and simple way to tell you about its definition and its effects.As we are humans and if some one cheated us in different ways so will we hyper.I don,t know about your attitude but boy like me must hyper.So its explanation is like cheating someone and tricking or deceive someone.So will i forgive that who do with me that thing.Usually no only not me many of you do the same.
Black Hat Seo

Black Hat Seo Definition :

The webmaster who use cheating to get higher search engine position or trick engines with some techniques or spam that is called black hat seo.It have also many other definitions.

The technique which get visitors but not providing and benefit to them also called black hat seo.

Black Hat Seo Techniques :

There are many techniques i am going to tell some of them.

Don,t Use Meta Keywords With Deceive To Engines:

As we know if your site have some other keyword and you put some famous keyword to attract visitors to your site.That is violation of engines.Don,t do that other you will get punishment.

Meta Description Also Have Effect:

Always use correct meta description according to your tittle and tags.For example,If your tittle is seo then you must put description like this get seo tricks and how to use it.
Don,t put it wrong like this(Here you can get books in free for c++).
Always use in a proper way according to your article and keywords.

Link Framing Is Dangerous For You Also :

I have a great example for you.If you put some bad mangoes in one box all of your other will be bad.So link framing can also effect you like this.So dont participate in it.

Don,t Use Soft wares To Promote Your Site :

Using these types of soft wares affect your site because its is the best  technique for promotion and engines really hate this.

Black Hat Seo Tricks Still Works I Think :

Auto Content Postings :

In old days we were doing that but now a days as we know google ban your site if you do that because of copy content violation.

Google Pagerank Effects:

As you see some toolbar pagerank is still working so you can see that black hat is still alive.

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  1. Great post! I have been getting more into SEO and I was reading the Webimax Scams blog and saw the term white hat vs black hat SEO so have been trying to read more on it. That's how I came across your blog and I'm happy I did because this was so informative and helpful. Thank you for sharing this and helping!
